Recover from disruption, find purpose, and achieve financial freedom with guest Keisha Blair

This week on Unpacked we are chatting with Keisha Blair, CEO, Founder and award-winning, international bestselling Author of the Holistic Wealth series. Plus host of the @holisticwealthpodcast. We chat with Keisha about the messy and tragic life lessons she learned from loosing her husband at age 34 with two small babies. Shares about life as an entrepreneur, economist, boss and her movement towards holistic wealth (mind, body, spiritual health + financial). She has a passion for empowering women in particular to understand finances. Holistic Wealth was created to empower and provide a framework for achieving your dreams to gain more power and freedom over your time and money. Author Keisha Blair provides strategies that will help you find balance and success. By following actionable, comprehensive steps from experts in a wide array of fields, this engaging book will guide you on your path to serenity.

Unpacked is a podcast exploring life as messy people. It’s conversations with counsellors, leaders, storytellers discussing the experiences of being human. We talk about the strength that comes from big messy failures and vulnerable moments so we can learn to live more authentically. Subscribe and leave us a review!

Holistic Wealth Book
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