The power of communication and conflict resolution in divorce and co-parenting with guest Heidi Dinning
This week on Unpacked we are chatting with Heidi Dinning, who is a CDC®Certified Divorce Coach and CDC®Certified Divorce Transition and Recovery Coach. She is also a Certified High-Conflict Communications Strategist and Co-parenting Communications Specialist. After going through her divorce and her parent’s divorce, she recognized a gap that desperately needed to be filled. The space between acknowledging that divorce was the next step and meeting at the lawyer's office. We chat about what a Certified Divorce Coach is, how the process works, and why it can be helpful during a very challenging time. Heidi walks with her clients through one of the most difficult times in their life with specific and tailored support and a plan designed for your family and life.
Unpacked is a podcast exploring life as messy people. It’s conversations with counsellors, leaders, storytellers discussing the experiences of being human. We talk about the strength that comes from big messy failures and vulnerable moments so we can learn to live more authentically. Subscribe and leave us a review!
-Heidi Dinnig Divorce Coach
-Order - Reorder - Disorder by Richard Rohr
-Parenting Strategies for young children in divorce