Transitions with Tara & Evan
This week on Unpacked Evan and Tara chat about transitions and the process to making a transition . A life transition is any change or adjustment that impacts your life and we all experience them. Using the lens of the enneagram triads (head, heart and body) we chat about the process of discernment (to separate - and the faith way of going about making important decisions). Transitions can be messy and we all take it at different speeds depending on our personal capacities. Tara and Evan explain the three triads (head, heart and body) and how one is often the place you start but we have all three in us and need to access all to make healthy, and whole hearted, logical decisions. We share some practices to use in making decisions and give real life examples of the places where transitions happen and how we can navigate them.
Unpacked is a podcast exploring life as messy people. It’s conversations with counsellors, leaders, storytellers discussing the experiences of being human. We talk about the strength that comes from big messy failures and vulnerable moments so we can learn to live more authentically. Subscribe and leave us a review!
-Discernment vs decisions
-Grief Button
-Enneagram Triads with Tara & Evan
-Grief with Death Ed Jeremy Allen